Monday, April 5, 2021

Bentley, Tilts, Haywood, Trumfleet, Braithwaite, Kirkhouse Green, and Stainforth

I had planned to start today's walk at Askern but there wasn't a bus due until 10:15 - it's been a Sunday service, so I travelled to Bentley instead, I only had to wait twenty minutes for a bus. I made my way to Bentley Community Woodland and then headed north to the hamlet of Tilts.

I hadn't brought a map with me that covers this area and so at times I didn't know where I was. The next place I recognised was Haywood, I was there last week but today I approached from the opposite direction and was able to get closer to the deconsecrated church; obviously with it being a private dwelling now I was only able to take photographs from the road.

As I approached Wrancarr Mill I noticed that most of the rubbish that was here last week has been cleared up by the council.


I didn't go right up to the mill today.

I saw several more of these short rhyming ditties pasted to posts as I continued towards Trumfleet, all of them on the subjects of litter, fly tipping, and dog poo.

I briefly entered Trumfleet and then walked along the road to Braithwaite. My next path was at the entrance to the village, I really enjoyed walking along this path, there were a few trees and a bit of a bank at either side for most of the way and so it was sheltered from the wind, which was bitterly cold.

I wasn't expecting to find this, a Halifax Passenger Transport bus stop sign attached to a tree in the middle of a meadow. I did a slight detour along an adjoining footpath to get a close up look at it.

I reached Kirkhouse Green and walked along the road to the bridge over the New Junction Canal.

I finished the Walk at Stainforth, managing to utilise footpaths for about half of the distance.

I've not seen one of these legal notices stuck to a public footpath sign before. I don't know how effective they are but several footpath signs were missing on my route today.

1 comment:

  1. I've passed that deconsecrated church before when I've been out cycling and couldn't remember where it was, nice walk and good pics 👍
