Monday, June 18, 2018

The Benefits of Walking

Here's my personal list:

Physical Exercise - The most obvious benefit I suppose

Mental Wellbeing - Intellectual Challenge - mapreading, pacemaking, timekeeping, route planning, and editing the photographs and writing up the blog afterwards.

Social Contact - My fellow walkers/hikers are usually quite are many of the other people I meet - mountainbikers, fellrunners, photographers, rangers. There's also the online contact I have via the blog; replies and responses to my posts on various forums or social media. I feel part of something, involved and included; this is so important to me.

Respect and acknowledgement that I've got something to offer - sometimes people ask me for directions or suggestions/recommendations and I have a lot of knowledge and experience of walking, mapreading and using public transport.

Self-Imposed Discipline - needing to go to bed early the night before a walk and then get up early the next morning and prepare myself for the day ahead.

Targets to Achieve - miles walked, blogposts written, maintaining my weight and fitness.

Something to look forward to and plan ahead for.

Enjoying the beautiful countryside and places I visit, and taking photographs.

The anticipation of wondering what might be around the next corner - somewhat diminished these days by my having already checked my route in Google Maps...but the service doesn't reach everywhere.

The end of a day's walking - a nice hot bath, something nice to eat [and as much as I want], and a wonderful sense of achievement, something that would be so much lacking in my life otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. All very true! Plus for me it's a great stress reliever.
