I got off the bus at the Filter Houses at Rivelin, just inside the boundary of the Peak District. I soon reached my first footpath, which initially appeared to be blocked, but as soon as I pushed against the barrier it swung open.
Maybe the route was actually closed though because the path soon disappeared. I soon found another well established path though and continued to climb up to the hamlet of Rails, and then Stopes, which now consists mainly of a new housing development built on the site of a former mill.
I needed to walk along the road for a few minutes to reach Storrs and then the footpath taking me down into the Loxley Valley.
I followed the River Loxley downstream until I came to a path that was definitely blocked this time. Just a few yards beyond where the stile in the photograph is located I came across a fallen tree, an overgrown path, a cliff face and the river. Looking at my map it looked like there should be a footbridge somewhere here; my map's old though, about forty years old. Fortunately I didn't have to double back too far to pick up the footpath on the other side of the river.
The rest of the way back to the tram terminus at Malin Bridge was easy going...I only had a few minutes to wait for the next departure to the railway station.
It looked rather murky over to the west on the high moors, just as it did last week when I also stuck to the eastern fringes of the Peak District.