Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ladybower Inn, Thornhill, Brough, and Hope

I caught the first available bus going out to the Peak District from Sheffield this morning and travelled to the Ladybower Inn.  I started by walking along the road and across the viaduct.

I continued down a quite steep path, another short stretch of paved road and then I climbed up to the Thornhill Trail. Along the trail there is a series of wooden carvings of wild animals that no longer live in this part of the country.

When I reached Thornhill I searched for, and found, a short section of footpath I'd not previously used...and there was another just a bit further on at Brough. The first path leads down to the main Hope Valley road, which I needed to walk along for a few hundred yards and then take the footpath across the fields to Hope, where I had enough time to pop in to The Old Hall Tearooms for a pot of tea and a sausage roll.

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