Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bakewell, Ashford in the Water, Thornbridge Hall, and the Monsal Trail

A few minutes after leaving my house this morning I thought I'd forgotten my camera and so returned home to collect it. To my shock I couldn't find it, it wasn't in the usual place and so after looking elsewhere for a few minutes I grabbed my spare camera, which isn't very good.  Anyhow, maybe five minutes later I pulled out my handkerchief to blow my nose and found out that my camera was at the bottom of the pocket, a deep trouser pocket. I transferred the camera to my fleece pocket, where I normally keep it and then normal service was resumed.

I travelled to Bakewell today, getting off part way up the hill at the cottage hospital and walking along the river to Ashford in the Water. I then headed north, planning to take the footpath that goes past Churchfield Farm to the Monsal Trail. I missed the path though because I was too busy concentrating on not getting run over and so instead I walked up to Thornbridge Hall, using the vehicular entrance. I stopped at Quackers Cafe for an ice cream.

By taking this route it added over a mile to the walk, probably making it the longest walk I've done since I injured my legs.

I continued along the Monsal Trail to Bakewell Station and then walked down into the town and caught the bus back to Sheffield.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Langold, Letwell, and Carlton-in-Lindrick

Today I've done the short walk that I would have done a couple of weeks ago when I planned to go to Letwell Village Fair, it was raining though and so I stayed at home. 

I travelled on the Worksop bus to Langold at got off at the far end of the housing estate, just a few yards from Dyscarr Wood. I took the most direct route across the fields to Letwell and looped back to Langold taking a more southerly route which went through Langold Lake Country Park.

I didn't want to have to walk through another part of the housing estate at Langold so I left the country park by a different exit; I ended up going about a mile further though. There should have been three buses an hour going back to Doncaster fom the bus stop, actually further south at Carlton-in-Lindrick, but I had to wait over thirty minutes for one to arrive.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Castleton, Hope, Aston, Thornhill, and Bamford

An easy, low level walk along the Hope Valley from Castleton to Bamford today using footpaths and country lanes, generally staying to the north of the main road. I've not been to Castleton for over a year and so I spent nearly an hour exploring and taking photographs.

My plan was to bypass Hope to the north but I was needing a pot of tea and so called in to the Grasshopper Café in the village. I then walked through the village and along the road for a few hundred yards until I picked up a footpath leading in the direction I was going. 

I didn't take my map out of my rucksack because I know the area well, but I managed to go the wrong way when I wasn't concentrating and ended up in the small village of Aston.

I walked down the narrow country lane to Thornhill and then the footpath to the main road. I finished the walk just around the corner at the bus turnaround opposite the railway station. The bus was on time but there were problems at Sheffield Railway Station.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Few Hours In Leeds

I visited Leeds today, but I didn't go to look around the shops or get a bargain from the market...instead I specifically went to visit the museum, the art gallery, and the Royal Armouries. I also paseed through the Victorian arcades in the City Centre to reach the Wasterfront area and the riverside walk to the Royal Armouries.