Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bakewell, Ashford in the Water, Thornbridge Hall, and the Monsal Trail

A few minutes after leaving my house this morning I thought I'd forgotten my camera and so returned home to collect it. To my shock I couldn't find it, it wasn't in the usual place and so after looking elsewhere for a few minutes I grabbed my spare camera, which isn't very good.  Anyhow, maybe five minutes later I pulled out my handkerchief to blow my nose and found out that my camera was at the bottom of the pocket, a deep trouser pocket. I transferred the camera to my fleece pocket, where I normally keep it and then normal service was resumed.

I travelled to Bakewell today, getting off part way up the hill at the cottage hospital and walking along the river to Ashford in the Water. I then headed north, planning to take the footpath that goes past Churchfield Farm to the Monsal Trail. I missed the path though because I was too busy concentrating on not getting run over and so instead I walked up to Thornbridge Hall, using the vehicular entrance. I stopped at Quackers Cafe for an ice cream.

By taking this route it added over a mile to the walk, probably making it the longest walk I've done since I injured my legs.

I continued along the Monsal Trail to Bakewell Station and then walked down into the town and caught the bus back to Sheffield.

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