Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Chatsworth House and Garden

I was able to take advantage of an offer of £3 entry to Chatsworth House and garden today. I travelled to Baslow Nether End and walked along the footpath diversion to Chatsworth House. The diversion is in place every year at this time because of the annual Country Fair.

There aren't many photographs featuring the interior of the house because many of the rooms are very dark and my cheap camera can't cope with those conditions. Because I travelled on public transport I did receive a free 130 page full-colour souvenir book though with many professionally taken photographs.

I'd only been in the garden for about half an hour when it started to rain and so I called it a day and went to the bus stop to catch the bus back to Sheffield.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Leek and Ashford in the Water

Neither myself nor Siobhan, my support worker, had been to Leek before and we were both impressed with the town. I suppose a bank holiday isn't the best day to visit since several of the shops and the market hall were closed, but there was still plenty to see. It's not all that far away, just to the west of the Peak District in Staffordshire.

I had spent quite a bit of time online deciding where to go for lunch and had decided on the Red Lion in the Market Place. It should have opened at noon but didn't and so we walked around the corner to Wetherspoon's. On our return to the Market Place we noticed that the Red Lion was now open and went inside and found out from the barmaid that they were fifteen minutes late in opening.

We travelled to Leek going via Bakewell, using narrow country lanes, steep, winding, and bumpy in places. Siobhan didn't want to return home using this route and so we stuck to the main roads, going via Buxton this time. We stopped at the pretty village of Ashford in the Water for tea and cake at the tearooms there.

We got hopelessly lost in Sheffield; extensive roadworks, bus lanes and bus gates everywhere didn't help at all.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Bamford, Shatton, Offerton, and Hathersage

I caught the number 272 bus to Bamford Station and then walked along stretches of road, tracks, and footpath to Hathersage, staying south of the river. This hasn't been the longest walk I've done since my injury but it's been the most difficult because of the terrain - a lot of uphill and downhill. I was alright going up, but coming down was difficult for my knees.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hathersage Walk

I travelled to Hathersage today and did a circular walk to the north of the village using various lanes, tracks, and footpaths.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


A double change of plan this morning; meeting a friend for lunch was cancelled and so I thought I'd go to Huddersfield for a few hours. I need to change trains at Meadowhall and when I arrived at Doncaster station the timings meant I would have had to wait nearly an hour at Meadowhall. So...I selected another destination, Wakefield, one of the advantages of having a travel pass.